Addi recently celebrated the big 0-5. While Munch was counting down the days until her birthday and parties, the rest of us were anxiously awaiting our surprise trip! Add knew nothing about the trip. Do you know how hard it is to not tell or slip to a four/almost five year old that we're going to the Happiest Place on Earth (aka Walt Disney World)? The morning we left, she was told that we were going to pick up the birthday present that Momma and Dadda bought for her. Right before we landed and while looking out the window, Add told my parents that we must be going somewhere with palm trees. She also was planning on being back in time for soccer, swimming, dance and teddy bear week at school. After the long flight and baggage claim, we told Add that her birthday present was a trip to Walt Disney World. She had a delayed reaction, but later asked, "Where's my card?" Oh Muncharoo, you are too much, kiddo!
There way too many pictures to post, but here are a few favs:

(This rhino was walking next to our safari jeep.)
(One night, we were the very last "guests" to leave Magic Kingdom)
(Please disregard my turnout... its horrifying, but I love this picture!)
What a blessing to spend ten full days together as a family! Let's do it again... soon!