Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Here's to you Scotty and Patti

As the news spread that Senator Ted Kennedy passed away from brain cancer, I couldn't help but to think about two special people in my life who have also been affected by the same horrible disease - Scott and Patti. Two of the most giving, caring both professionally and personally, brave and inspirational (before, during and after their battles) people i know.

Here's to you Scotty and Patti....

Just a few memories of you both that I tightly hold on to:

- Scotty-isms and the bow tie
- your Faith
- the frantic IT questions :)
- the stories
- the long days and hours that we spent together
- your adoring love for your families
- You want to talk about networking, both Scott and Patti were two of the most networked people ever!
- your passion for your work, co-workers, colleagues and clients
- Patti, how you were like the "Department Mom" always taking care of us girls...
- Scotty, the weekly message that you'd leave on your voice mails were priceless
- your creativity
- Did I mention how every year when Training Camp rolls around I think about the time when our plane caught on fire and we had to make an emergency landing?

...... this list could go on and on and on!

I need to go through my old photo files and find some fun pictures, but in the meantime, here is a picture of Tirza and me visiting Scott last June.

As the Nation pays its respects to Senator Kennedy, I honor and remember you, Scotty, and think and pray often for you, Patti!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I5 Dive - Skycoaster Adventure

The other day we headed down to Wild Waves for all sorts of fun on the water slides and rides. While we were there, the boys decided that they wanted to do the I5 Dive Skycoaster. Check out the video below of their adventure:

.... and a few pictures that I took of their adrenaline rush:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lazy Sunny Days

Some of my most favorite days ever are the mellow (ok and the crazy days too) ones spent with my family. As many of you know it has been quite hot here in Seattle the past few weeks, so Addi was getting to use her little backyard pool quite a bit until it popped. So I'm not quite sure how it all went down, but she ended up with a new killer slide that has a pool at the bottom. Below are a few pictures from the day though all of the slide pictures are on my cell phone and I'm not sure how to get them off (ha!):

First it was nap/rest time where Addi fell asleep on Nah:

Papa took a rest too!

Sorry, I'm not sure why this picture won't flip horizontally... its horizontal everywhere else! Also, notice the plug that Addi has in her mouth, it is for her doll. She hasn't used the plug in a super long time.

Then, we played, danced, listened to Michael Jackson's Greatest Hits, sat in the shade, ate snacks and of course slid down the new killer slide!

Then, Addi of course insisted on taking a few photos with my camera and made sure that all of our eyes were open and we were smiling nicely.

Sorry Mom, I couldn't resist putting this next picture up. I think its funny how you are always hounding us not to make funny faces and then here you are not taking pictures nicely!

What a fun day we had! I love my family!