After the eventful plane ride, we stopped by our condo to drop off all of our baggage, then headed toward my grandparent's house to learn that Grandpa was going for a haircut. We gave hugs & kisses and headed straight to Zippy's to eat... and boy, did we grind! We headed back to my grandparent's house until it was time for graduation. It was then time for us to honor Chel and watch her receive her diploma!

The graduation was nice and the perfect length. We were all so proud and excited for Chel. Then, it was time.... time to go rushing into the area where all the families and friends could congratulate all of the grads. The grads get 15 minutes to themselves to hug and be together before they are to go stand by their pole. There are poles in this big room with letters on them. The grads go to the pole that coordinates with the letter of their last name so family & friends can easily find them. Pretty genius if you ask me! We ran to the "V" pole where Chel was waiting for us. We each gave Chel a lei as did a ton of other family and friends. There were big bags full of fresh flower leis, candy and treat leis, inner-tubes, cards, cut flowers, and much more! Uncle was taking video, my parents and Aunty Donna were sorting all the goods, Krys, Aunty and I were unloading Chel's neck, a tag-team effort of cousins and uncles took turns holding the "Chelsie" sign and Bran was taking still photos. There was a lot of hugging and kissing by everyone! What a great night!!! With Chel off to Project Grad, their overnight grad party, the rest of us were starving. Can you guess what we did? Oh yeah, we headed to Kahala Zippy's to eat again!

CONGRATS to Chel, who will be coming to the mainland to play volleyball with her older sister, Bran, at CWU!
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