Check out that face... how could you not love this little Munchkin? It is true that the Munch is getting big. She's not a baby anymore. She's also one of the smartest, yet most hilarious little girls I know. Here are a few recent quotes:
- "Raise your hand if your food smells like elephant dirt."
- My parents and I were driving in the car with the Munch and my mom was trying to call her something other than her full name. After a few minutes of Mom and Add going back and forth, she says, "P (that's what she calls me), Can you please deal with Nah."
- After my cousins volleyball games, we typically go with the team to dinner. Most recently, Coach Mario has allowed Addi to ride the team bus with my cousins to dinner.
Munch: "Hey Mario, where are we going for dinner. Its my grandpa's birthday."
{Insert Mario's dumbfounded look}
Mario: "I don't know, ask Chloe (the assistant coach)."
Munch: "Well my grandpa wants to ride the bus too."
Mario: "Well come on then! Let's go!"
- Trick or treating at Grandpa Phil and Grandma Wendy's house
Grandpa Phil: "Addi, you can anything you want."
Addi grabbed two sets of mini cards
Grandpa Phil: "How about some candy? You can have as much as you'd like."
Addi: "No, no thanks. Candy gives you sugar bugs."
- Munch is a total backseat driver. Driving on the freeway.... "Momma, there's a big truck. Remember to stay far back so nothing from the truck hits us." She is also the blinker patrol!! "BLINKER!! Momma, BLINKER!" Oh yeah, did I mention that she has an excellent sense of direction? Obviously, that did not come from me.
- "Dadda, we had to get out of town fast because the President was coming."
Maybe these comments aren't so funny to everyone else, but the things she comes up with continue to make me constantly laugh!
1 comment:
super cute! Kid quotes are the best!!!
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