As the news spread that Senator Ted Kennedy passed away from brain cancer, I couldn't help but to think about two special people in my life who have also been affected by the same horrible disease - Scott and Patti. Two of the most giving, caring both professionally and personally, brave and inspirational (before, during and after their battles) people i know.
Here's to you Scotty and Patti....
Just a few memories of you both that I tightly hold on to:
- Scotty-isms and the bow tie
- your Faith
- the frantic IT questions :)
- the stories
- the long days and hours that we spent together
- your adoring love for your families
- You want to talk about networking, both Scott and Patti were two of the most networked people ever!
- your passion for your work, co-workers, colleagues and clients
- Patti, how you were like the "Department Mom" always taking care of us girls...
- Scotty, the weekly message that you'd leave on your voice mails were priceless
- your creativity
- Did I mention how every year when Training Camp rolls around I think about the time when our plane caught on fire and we had to make an emergency landing?
...... this list could go on and on and on!
I need to go through my old photo files and find some fun pictures, but in the meantime, here is a picture of Tirza and me visiting Scott last June.

As the Nation pays its respects to Senator Kennedy, I honor and remember you, Scotty, and think and pray often for you, Patti!